Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Another Cry for a New World Currency

The world's economic collapse continues. This past Monday the stock market dropped nearly 300 points based on the news that, in spite of a proposed European bailout of the immense Greek debt, the Greek Prime Minister said that the proposal would have to be put to the vote of the Greek people. Because of the severe austerity built into the bailout agreement, it is highly unlikely that the Greek people will give their approval. Like so many today they have come to view hand outs from the government as entitlements. Wall Street's fear, joined by all the world markets, is that Greece's default on debt will be imminent, creating a possible snowball effect in countries like Spain and Italy that are already teetering on the brink. Are we seeing the collapse of the Eurozone? Quite possibly. I read where some of the Greeks simply said, "Well, we can go back to printing drachmas once again." In other words, we will simply print our own money. Does that sound familiar?

In the light of the European financial crisis and with the continued struggle the United States has getting its own financial house in order, the cries for a one-world economic system complete with a one-world currency continues to be heard. On October 24, The Vatican called for
radical reform of the world's financial systems, including the creation of a global political authority to manage the economy. A proposal by the Pontifical Council for Justice and Peace calls for a new world economic order based on ethics and the 'achievement of a universal common good.' It follows Pope Benedict XVI's 2009 economic encyclical that denounced a profit-at-all-cost mentality as responsible for the global financial meltdown." (

In previous blogs we have cited the concerns of the BRICS nations over the declining confidence in the dollar as well as the Euro. You remember the BRICS nations are: Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa. These are the nations to which we owe the greatest debt. They have called for a new world currency to replace the dollar. So far their call has not gained much traction, but it still lingers out there.

Then, on Monday, I received a report from WorldNetDaily, written by Aaron Klein. It was titled: "Next target of protesters: U.S. dollar? Group seeks global currency to replace each nation's financial system." Let me quote from the article: "A group working with Occupy Wall Street (OWS) is proposing a global alternative currency system to replace the currencies of individual nations. ... The group calls itself OWS Currency. ...Occupy Wall Street and subsequent occupations prove that the people are eager for a new system, states OWS Currency. Let's help them build it."

Whether one is a student of the End Times or not, one has heard that some type of one-world governmental organization will occur at the end of time. We know this as the government of the Antichrist. You can read about his economic administration in Revelation 13 and 18. From Scriptures it appears that he will step onto the world's scene just when it seems that all is hopelessly lost. He will have a plan to save the earth from financial and political chaos. It will come at the price of peoples and nations surrendering themselves to his leadership. He will have the answers. He will have the solution to all the troubles - both economically and politically. And people will listen and respond.

Some of you are saying to yourself, "This simply cannot happen." But, something similar has happened before. I have been reading a new history of World War II, titled - "The Storms of War" - and written by Andrew Roberts. After the defeat of Germany and the Axis powers in World War I, the French and British punished Germany financially. It was a country humiliated and decimated. In the early 1920's a rogue from Austria came onto the landscape. At first people paid no attention to him. In fact he was arrested and imprisoned for several years. But during that imprisonment he fleshed out his ideas to create a super world. Upon his release, his ideas began to resonate with the German peoples; and, well you know the rest of the story of Hitler and his powerful influence over the German people.

Is there a solution to the world's financial difficulties? I don't know. But the Bible implies that Satan does have a strategy that will be revealed through his puppet - the Antichrist. Is the stage being set for his appearance? I believe that it is and from the announcement of the Vatican and from the Occupy Wall Street Currency people, perhaps it is nearer than we think.

So, keep rejoicing in the hope we have in Christ Jesus. He is coming soon.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thank you Max for keeping us informed of the things we tend to hide from. Let us know what the outcome of the meeting on Thursday brings. Come soon Jesus.