Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Finally Some Good News on the Marriage Front

This past November the people of California spoke loudly concerning the topic of marriage. Through the passage of Proposition 8, the voters in California affirmed that they wanted the State of California to recognize only those marriages between a man and a woman. In other words, they accepted the traditional definition of marriage. Yesterday, perhaps to the surprise of many, including this writer, the Supreme Court of the State of California upheld the results of the passage of Proposition 8. But, that same Supreme Court also recognized the legitimacy of some 18,000 same-sex marriages which had taken place. I believe the decision of the Court will be appealed now to the United States Supreme Court.

We are living in a society today that has thrown out most of the social mores which I grew up to value as important. Integrity - now is replaced with "look out for yourself." Truth - now means what I believe to be true, even if no one else does. Family - now means a collection of people, usually adults and children, who choose to live together. Marriage - now refers to a relationship between two consenting adults, be they male and female, just female, or just male.

But the biblical definition of marriage has not changed. One of the first statements voiced by God in the Bible concerns marriage: For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and they will become one flesh (Genesis 2:24). Jesus later affirmed this biblical definition in His discussion concerning marriage and divorce (see Matthew 19:1-12). Furthermore, I believe the purpose for marriage was to populate the earth: So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them. God blessed them and said to them, "Be fruitful and increase in number..." (Genesis 1:27-28a). Now it is a biological impossibility for either two women or two men to produce a child. Let me say that once again: It is impossible for two women or two men to produce a child. Can't be done! To produce a child requires both a man and a woman.

Now I believe the Bible affirms a pleasurable side to marriage. Just read the Song of Solomon or some of the Proverbs. But those pleasures are reserved only for a man and a woman who are united in marriage. The Bible is even more specific in its prohibition of homosexuality. Yes, I know most of those texts are in the Old Testament, but what does a person do with Romans 1:18-32? With 1 Corinthians 6:9-11? Notice Paul's use of the word "were" in that passage. That implies a change of character.

Perhaps the issue of marriage has become a more pressing ethical issue than abortion these days. I do applaud the California Supreme Court for their resolute stand yesterday. And I do applaud states where a marriage amendment has been added to state constitutions. May all states soon have such amendments.

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