Saturday, May 14, 2016

It Is Time to Get Angry and Take Back Our Nation!

I never cease to be amazed at the lengths to which President Obama and his administration will go to intrude upon the lives of the American citizens.  But what happened yesterday with the joint declaration by the Departments of Justice and Education ordering every one of America's public school districts to turn their bathrooms and locker rooms into transgender rooms really was the last straw.  I am outraged! I thought I would never live to see this happen in that country that I love.  That order goes against everything that is decent. 

What will be the response of Christian school board members to that ruling?  I thought about that today because I had the privilege of serving on a public school board in a small Iowa community for four years.  We grappled with a lot of issues, but never one of this magnitude.  As a parent, what will be your response?  Can you envision your little third-grade daughter innocently going into the bathroom and finding a male-teacher there who just happens to think that he is a woman?  How do you explain that to your daughter?  Or how will you explain to your high school daughter that she will have to share locker space with a boy who just happens to think that he is a girl and wants to play on her softball team? 

If, indeed, public schools follow through with this "bullying" rule from a President whose sole intent as President was to accelerate the "decline and fall" of America, then I can see many families seeking alternative ways to educate their children.  Home-schooling will accelerate.  Christian school enrollment will explode.  Many churches will give serious thought to beginning some type of educational program. 

I share with you some portions of an article that Todd Starnes wrote yesterday.  It was published on the Fox News website: transgender decree-no-matter-the-cost.  "Family Research Council President Tony Perkins told me Congress must intervene to stop what he called an imperial president.  'If the present chooses to go forward with this outrageous order - then congress should begin impeachment proceedings,' he said.  Perkins said the decree should be 'resisted with every legal and moral instrument we have available to us in this country.  Every parent, every school board in America should absolutely refuse to sacrifice the safety of their children for the threat of taking away nine federal pennies that make up every educational dollar,' he said. 

"Resist!  That's the message from Penny Young Nance, president of Concerned Women for America.  'The left always uses children to accomplish its goals of social reengineering,' she said.  'The adults closest to these children should decide what's best for all the children in the school.  Safety and kindness should be the guiding principles, not threats form the bullies in Washington.'

"The time has come for all Americans to stand up and defy this president's immoral agenda.  If losing federal funding is the price we must pay to protect women and children - then so be it.  We will not betray what we know to be true for the government's 30 pieces of silver.  The German theologian Dietrich Bonhoffer warned us about a time such as this.  Not to speak is to speak, he once said.  Not to act is to act.  Far too long American pulpits have remained silent on controversial cultural issues.  Preachers don't want to rock the boat.  Parishioners don't want to cause trouble.  Far too long society has turned a blind eye as President Obama fundamentally transformed our nation.  But now the country stands at the edge of a great moral abyss.  And we must ask ourselves - do we defy the president and save the nation or do we keep the peace and sacrifice the children?"

Liberty Counsel's Mat Staver perhaps said it well.  "The reason they want to abolish gender is because they also want to remove any kind of moral construct regarding human sexuality.  Ultimately they want to abolish gender so they can abolish the very notion of the creator God himself, who created you and I in His image.  Male and female, God created you and I, distinctly different yet complementary." (

How did we get here?  June 26, 2015 is a date that will live in infamy.  If you remember I shared with you that when the Supreme Court - by a 5 to 4 vote - declared that same-sex marriage was the law of the land, that the lid was taken off Pandora's Box.  Approximately 3% of Americans are practicing homosexuals - yet their voice swayed five judges to change the law of the land regarding marriage.  And, when it happened, the White House became the "rainbow house" to celebrate.  That same White House now declares that, because less than one-half of one-percent of Americans are gender confused, then all Americans must become gender confused.  Oh the ripple effect of one law. 

Friends, what are we going to do?  It is time to rise up and take a stand.  If we don't fight now our nation will become just "another" nation.  Perhaps God has already "given us over to the depravity of our minds."  But if  we believe the promise of Jesus that the "gates of Hades would not prevail against His Church", then we can march forward knowing that "greater is the One who is in us than the one who is in the world."

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Pastor Max,

I agree 100%. Every point you have addressed are points I have had grave concern about. Saul Alinsky's "Rules for Radicals" has been the reference piece that leftists have used for decades to further their agenda. But Barack Obama has used it as a day-to-day PLAYBOOK, not just a reference manual. I am not sure if you have read it, but the tactics are specifically designed to deconstruct a moral group that possesses independent thought and liberty into a mass of people ruled in socialist manner devoid of any moral compass by attempting to suppress and eventually "kill" Almighty God in the minds of the people. First, this administration attacked our nation's treasury by unprecedented and unnecessary federal spending, then they attacked health care programs justifying their actions of financial irresponsibility, then attacked our sense of morality and decency with the gay marriage act, and now they are coming for the family unit through their attack on our children by using the public school system to force feed their gender confusion policy. Each of these has been nothing more than a red herring to distract the public eye from the larger agenda which is a socialistic "Amerika" that can easily be absorbed by the eventual one world order that has been their goal from the beginning. All Americans need to discover the truth by paying attention, looking behind the green curtain, and then bravely speak out and stand together to fight against the hedonistic barrage on our nation, no matter the cost. I pray God will show America His mercy and that revival will spread across our land like never before with restoration to His righteous plans for our people, before we sail directly into the abyss. Thank you for speaking out and standing up for what is right; I pray that all Americans follow suit and very, very soon. God Bless.