Wednesday, May 7, 2014

A Trend That Is Shocking

I find it fascinating that Hollywood released a movie about the days of Noah.  Now I have not seen the movie "Noah" and probably will not.  But it is interesting that the Bible describes the times in which Noah lived this way: "The LORD saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every intention of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually (Genesis 6:5).  In other words, the evil in the world was so great that God despaired that He had made man and decided to remove the evil from the world He had created. 

Yesterday, as I was reading several articles that came across my computer screen, those images of the days of Noah flooded my heart.  I began to ask myself if our times were not comparable to those of Noah's.  Have we reached that point in evil where God despairs once again and will pour forth His righteous anger upon the world even as He did with the flood?  Allow me to share some news with you.  I will give you advanced warning that these stories should turn not only your stomach, but also your heart.

Story #1: Reported by Todd Starnes who writes for  You can find the story at:  "A Florida school teacher humiliated a 12-year old boy in front of an entire class after she caught him reading the Bible during free reading time."  Now, I remember when I was in school - realizing that it was ages ago - that during free-reading time, I was allowed to read whatever I wanted to read.  Either it was a book that I brought to class with me, or I was permitted to check out a book from the school library.  It was just that - free reading time.  So, here is a 12 year old boy who, because he loves reading his Bible, is told that he cannot read it during free-reading time.  The article continues, 'The teacher, at Park Lakes Elementary School in Fort Lauderdale, ordered Giovanni Rubeo to pick up the telephone on her desk and call his parents.  As the other students watched, the teacher left a terse message on the family's answering machine.  'I noticed that he has a book - a religious book - in the classroom,' she said on the recording.  'He's not permitted to read those books in my classroom.'"  Liberty Institute, which represents individuals in matters regarding religious liberty issues, received a response from Orinthia Dias, the principal of the school: "Your child is permitted to read the Bible before school, after school and during lunch, in accordance to the law."  So, now our children are being told what they can read or not read during free-reading time in the classroom.  I wonder if the teacher would have been as upset if Giovanni had been reading a Playboy magazine instead. 

Story #2: Reported by Bob Unruh, who writes for WorldNetDaily.  You can find the story at:  "An Indiana-based company has decided not to hire any homeschool graduates, withdrawing a job offer from one candidate after discovering he was home educated, according to the Home School Legal Defense Association.  That's despite the fact that assessments and evaluations for homeschool students routinely run higher than for public-school students.  HSLDSA spokeman Michael Donnelly said NiSource, an energy-distribution company, informed HSLDA it would not hire homeschool graduates.  The decision was based on the company's interpretation of state law."  The article continues, "'This problem may indicate more than just discrimination against homeschoolers,' he said.  'This situation reflects the precise concern that motivates HSLDA's opposition to the Common Core and its "college- and career-ready" standards - that qualified homeschool graduates who don't have a state-issued credential will be discriminated against in employment decisions.'" 

Story #3: Reported by Todd Starnes, who writes for  The story can be found at:  (A warning: some of the content at this site is graphic - I cannot relate the content of this particular passage in this blog, it is that offensive).  Ninth grade students at Gilford High School were required to read the novel by Jodi Picoult titled, "Nineteen Minutes."  Parents were not notified that the students were required to read this book and no opportunity was given for a parent to take his or her child from that reading assignment.  William Baer, whose daughter had been assigned the book, was furious when he learned about the book.  He himself being an attorney said of the book, "I was shocked when I read the passage, and not much shocks me anymore."  He further related that if someone had been handing those passages to students off campus, they might have been arrested.  Speaking of being arrested, William Baer attended the school board meeting and was arrested for getting into an argument with a parent who supported the book.  He was charged with disorderly conduct.  Now, friends, here is what I found so sad: "More than 80 percent of the parents consented with their students continuing with the book."  Ten percent said no, while ten percent were still undecided on whether or not they wanted their youngsters to continue reading.  According to the policies of Gilford High School and the school district in matters related to novels containing controversial materials: "the district will take immediate action to revise these policies to include notification that requires parents to accept controversial materials rather than to opt out.  Furthermore, the notification will detail more specifically the controversial material."  So, now parents are encouraged to accept novels that are immoral and racy in their content rather than to have their children be excused from reading them. 

Story #4: Reported by Karl de Vries, who writes for  The story can be found at:  I watched about half of this video last night.  It literally turned my stomach and I could not watch the rest of it.  It is only about 4 minutes long to begin with.  The video is of Emily Letts, who is 25, who decided to have an abortion after she became pregnant after not using birth control.  She wanted to share her experience of having an abortion with others, thus she had it videoed.  Letts told "My video of my abortion is there only to tell women that they are not alone.  Speak up.  Tell your stories.  Do it through words, through video, through pictures, through songs, whatever.  You do not deserve to be alone."  The video shows her smiling through the procedure.  As for her abortion, she has no regrets.  "I don't think guilt is a productive feeling.  I don't think guilt does much for us.  I forgave myself for not using birth control, I corrected it, and I moved forward."  Friends, if our ninth grade students read books like "Nineteen Minutes" we can expect more of them to be like Emily Letts and view sexual activity as just that - an activity.  And the consequences - well, an abortion is really not that bad.  In fact, we can smile through the killing of that child. 

Story #5:  Reported by Todd Starnes.  The story can be found at:  This article is really a review of Mr. Starnes newest book, titled, "God Less America."  This book is a compilation of stories of religious hostility within the United States.  In the article, Starnes quotes from a letter written by Billy Graham: "The farther we get from God, the more the world spirals out of control.  Just a few weeks ago in a prominent city in the South, Christian chaplains who serve the police department were ordered to no longer mention the Name of Jesus in prayer."  Instead they were only allowed to pray to "the being in the room."  Starnes writes, "We ask God to bless America, but we elected a president whose pastor asked God to damn America.  We ask God to bless America, but we slaughter millions of unborn babies.  We ask God to bless America, but we silence His children.  God bless America?  We should be on our knees asking for His mercy instead.  The time has come for people of faith to rise up and claim their Ebenezer.  We need patriots who will take back this land.  We need patriots who will say we are still one nation under God.  The storm clouds are gathering.  The winds of revolution are blowing, friends.  Religious liberty is under attack."  "The most pressing problem facing America can't be solved in Washington, D.C.  True hope and change can't be found at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue.  It can only be found at the foot of the cross on Calvary.  Our government may spy on our phone lines.  It may throw us in jail.  It may take away our photography shops and bakeries.  It may demand to know the content of our prayers.  But we will not be bullied.  We will not be intimidated.  We will not be silence.  It's time for a new generation of believers to rise up and restore the dream of our Founding Fathers - the dream of a nation where all men are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights.  The dream of a people who declare we are still one nation under God."

Friends, as I read these articles yesterday my heart grew heavy.  We are in a spiritual warfare.  The lives of our children and grandchildren are at stake.  Yes, I can pray for them - and I do.  And, yes the Bible promises that the "effectual prayer of a righteous man accomplishes much."  But I believe that God wants us to get off our chairs and to get engaged.  I may need to be more proactive in what is happening in my child's school.  I do need to get more engaged with what they are being taught.  And I need to help parents to create a home where sons and daughters are given the opportunity to develop a strong biblical and spiritual foundation.  Yes, Faith@Home does matter.   

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