Tuesday, October 9, 2018

A New Justice and a New Hurricane

Over the weekend Judge Kavanaugh became Associate Justice Kavanaugh.  But the final decision was wrought with drama.  In spite of an FBI report, which the Democrats had aggressively sought and for which Senator Flake (R-AZ) had requested, that showed there was no corroborative evidence for the allegation that Dr. Ford had brought, the minority party was still not satisfied.  They now yelled that the FBI had not done an adequate job.  But, you can only go as far as the evidence will direct you, and, in this case, there simply was no evidence.  Would the confirmation of Judge Kavanaugh be stopped because of unsubstantiated allegations?  The fate of that decision would be decided by the vote of three senators: Collins (R-ME), Flake (R-AZ), and Manchin (D-WV).  Senator Collins, on Friday afternoon, made an impassioned speech in which she affirmed her "yes" vote on the confirmation.  Almost immediately she became the target of the aggressive hatred from the Left.  Senator Collins speech was based upon her belief that a man should not be convicted if there was no evidence to substantiate the charges brought against him.  In fact, Senator Collins spoke in favor of what the United States Constitution declares: a man is innocent until he is proven guilty. 

On Saturday afternoon we witnessed an historic vote.  Judge Brett Kavanaugh was confirmed to sit on the highest court in the land - the United States Supreme Court.  With his confirmation, the Supreme Court has a conservative majority.  This will be a Court that will NOT be inclined to make law, but merely to interpret law.  It is a Court that will ask the question: what was the original intent of the framers of the Constitution.  And with that the Court will be in the place where the framers originally intended it to be. 

I have had people come to me and say that now Roe v. Wade will be overturned.  Friends, I highly doubt that will happen.  If one studies the rulings of the Supreme Court it is very adverse to overturning precedent-setting cases, even if those cases really were bad rulings.  The Dred Scott Decision, perhaps one of the worst rulings ever from a Supreme Court, was not overturned.  Roe v. Wade will not be either.  But, I believe the Court will be more inclined to listen to arguments that might restrict some of the latitude we have seen with recent Roe v. Wade type cases.  There are many interesting and important cases the Court will be hearing in this Fall Session.  Justice Kavanaugh will not have the opportunity to crawl into a corner and just listen.  No, his positions will soon become evident. 

But this is what grieves me - the hostility and hatred shown by the Left and by the mainstream media toward those who voted for this confirmation.  Emails threatening beheadings have been sent to family members of the Senators.  Vicious verbal assaults have been unleashed upon Senators when in public.  Friends, these actions are simply un-American and totally unacceptable.  Yes, we can have disagreements.  Yes, we can choose sides on issues.  But we do NOT have the right to incite riots or to threaten bodily harm to those who disagree with us. 

We are now just four weeks away from the most important midterm election of my lifetime.  The stakes could not be any higher.  The control of the House of Representatives and the Senate are prizes that both parties are eagerly seeking.  Positions of leadership on both the state and local levels are to be determined.  Here in the State of Minnesota we are electing a governor and two United States Senators.  This is not a time when Christians are to sit at home indifferent to what is happening.  This is the time to study the candidates and the issues.  Then, on November 6, it is time to go to the polling places and vote your conscience. 

I want to close with a prophetic weather update.  A 7.2 earthquake with its accompanying tsunami takes the lives of over 1200 people in Indonesia.  One of the strongest cyclones in history brings destruction to the Philippines, Hong Kong, and into China.  Hurricane Floyd left a path of devastation across the Carolinas.  Now Hurricane Michael, one of the strongest storms to hit the northeast coast of Florida in years, is poised to strike.  Portions of the Midwest have been drenched with multi-day rain events.  Rivers are swollen and flooding has become almost inevitable.  Now, we can either blame all these events on climate change, or we can say that God is trying to get our attention that time is running out.  I prefer to believe the latter.  I believe the natural world is probably more conscious of the imminent return of Jesus than are most people.  The Apostle Paul, in Romans 8, proclaims that the creation groans awaiting its redemption.  Seems to me that the groaning is getting louder and louder.  I think this planet is getting excited because its King is soon to come! 

It is time for us to "wake up" from our slumber and apathy.  It is time for us to put on the whole armor of God.  It is time for us to get back into the front lines of the struggle for the souls of lost men and women, teenagers, and boys and girls.  Time is running out...it's time to get going for Jesus!

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