Tuesday, July 10, 2012

A Review of Rosenberg's Book "Implosion"

I recently completed the reading of Joel Rosenberg's newest non-fiction book titled, Implosion: Can America Recover from its Economic & Spiritual Challenges in Time?  The book is published by Tyndale House Publishers out of Carol Stream, IL.  I had looked forward to reading this work from the pen of a man whom I highly respect both for his passion for Israel and those prophetic events, and for his careful research. 

This book is really divided into three parts.  In the first part, chapters 1-8, the author examines what is happening in the United States at the present moment.  Although I had read the facts and figures before, they were still chilling to read in the context of the question: Is America on the road to implosion?  Joel first examines the case for those whom he calls the pessimists - those who believe that America's best days are behind her, that all indications are that we are about to fall over the cliff into the abyss below.  The reader certainly does not feel any confidence after reading that section.  Then he follows with an examination of the case for those whom he calls the optimists - those who believe that America will pull itself up by the boot-straps and become what it once was.  Finally, Joel encourages us to look at America's situation through the lens of Scripture - what does the Bible say about America's future?

In the middle third of the book, chapters 9-12, the author looks at some possible scenarios that could greatly impact America's survival.  Included are a financial implosion - and we know that an economic collapse certainly seems a reality; a war and terrorism event - how would our nation respond if another terrorist attack on the magnitude of a 9-11 should occur?; a natural disaster event - again what would happen should another Katrina hurricane hit our nation, this time not in New Orleans, but in New York or Washington DC?; and finally Joel wrestles with the impact the Rapture of the Church will have upon our nation as millions of believers are caught up to be with the Lord.  Each chapter focuses upon a possible scenario.  Joel writes, not as an alarmist, but with a realism that awakens the soul of his readers to the possibilities. 

The final third of the book, chapters 13-17, I found to be the most fascinating.  Here the author presents his thesis that what America needs is a Third Great Awakening.  Because he understands that most of his readers are totally illiterate concerning the First and Second Great Awakenings, he takes time to relate the key people and events of each one.  America's First Great Awakening occurred prior to America's Revolutionary War, featuring the strong preaching of Jonathan Edwards, George Whitefield, and John and Charles Wesley.  The author strongly makes the claim that this First Great Awakening set the foundations upon which our nation was given birth. 

America's Second Great Awakening occurred prior to America's Civil War.  Joel Rosenberg focuses upon the ministry of Francis Asbury, the Methodist circuit riding preacher whose messages stirred revival west of the Appalachians.  He also tells the story of Timothy Dwight, a grandson of Jonathan Edwards, whose leadership at Yale College resulted in a revival among the students there.  He closes his study of the Second Great Awakening with a discussion of perhaps the most controversial of the revivalists - Charles Finney.  Yes, I have some problems with the techniques Charles Finney used, but one can little deny the impact that his life and ministry had upon America's frontier. 

Rosenberg then asks the question whether a Third Great Awakening could occur here in America.  This chapter was a challenge.  The impetus for revival must begin within the churches of America.  Joel asks whether people want to have a spirirual awakening.  Our age can better be described as one of apathy and indifference, of toleration for the rights of others to believe whatever they want to believe, for after all, we are all going to heaven.  Joel strongly desires to see a Third Great Awakening, but his confidence level in its happening is not strong. 

I identify three strengths of this book.  First, the author has done an excellent job of presenting facts without getting into the mire of political wrangling.  He has allowed the facts to speak for themselves.  For many conservative authors today, this has been difficult.  Second, the author has done an excellent job of laying a foundation from history.  He has understood that the problems of today, as well as a possible solution, are grounded in history.  Again, this is an area that many authors seem to overlook.  Finally, the author has done an excellent job of helping his readers to understand that it is imperative that we look at today's scene in America through the lens of Scripture and seek to understand what God is saying. 

As I read this book I thought to myself, "This is a book that would make a great study for a small group to interact with or for an adult Sunday school group to dialogue about."  The challenge is to us as believers in Jesus Christ.  But, we do not have much time left! Implosionm

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