Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Of Bees, Pop, Grandsons, and Biblical Truth

Our daughter, Beth, and her two boys were with us for a few days a couple of weeks ago. They live in Dallas, TX and had come up for my Mother's 85th birthday celebration. One day we drove to a nearby orchard to select some pumpkins and to enjoy all that an orchard in the fall offers. As Ethan - he is 8 years old - and I sat on a picnic table, we noticed a yellow-jacket trying to get into a nearby partially empty soda can. We watched him first fly and land on the top of the can, then fly away. Soon he would return and the routine would start all over again.

Ethan said, "Grandpa, what is that bee trying to do?" I responded, "Ethan, he wants to get into the can because he wants the sweet pop that is left inside." "Well, what will happen if he gets inside?" Ethan replied. I said, "He will die!" Then Ethan asked the most important question, "Grandpa, if he will die, then why does he want to get inside?"

How would you respond at that moment with an 8-year old grandson? I knew God had given me an unique moment to share a biblical truth with him. I said, "Ethan, the pop inside that can is like sin. And that bee is like you and me. Sin always looks like something we want. And we say to ourselves, 'If only we can have it.' But, when we finally get inside the can, we find the effect of the sin to only be death." Then I reminded Ethan of that verse, "For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus" (Romans 6:23).

I hope my grandson will remember that illustration always. Sin is attractive. When was the last time you saw a television ad for beer showing broken families or broken bodies lying on the highway? Of course those ads don't exist; they show people having a great time laughing and having fun. Sin is always wrapped up in shiny ribbon, just as that pop was contained in a shiny can. But, once the wrappings are removed, we see the deadliness of what is inside. Yes, sin is death!

But praise God there is an answer that is found in the person of Jesus Christ. His death provided the antidote for sin, and it is 100% effective. And this gift is free to anyone who would call upon Him.

Don't be like that bee finally succumbing to the temptations of the pop inside the can. He would never be freed from it alive. But, rather accept the free gift God has given you in the sacrificial death of Jesus Christ. He will help you to see through the wrappings to the dangers of the sin inside.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

a lot to think about in that short little post. Good reminders for sure.