Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Let There Be Peace...?

How should we define the word "peace" today? Is it merely the absence of armed conflict? If all the armies and navies in the world suddenly disarmed themselves would there be peace? Or, is peace merely the good intentions of trying to live together in harmony? We often say that peace comes into a family when Mom and Dad and the kids no longer are shouting at each other. If the world stopped "shouting at each other" would there be peace?

The dictionary defines peace: 1. freedom from war or civil strife; 2. a treaty or agreement to end war; 3. freedom from public disturbance or disorder; public security; law and order; 4. freedom from disagreement or quarrels; harmony; concord; 5. an undisturbed state of mind; absence of mental conflict; serenity; 6. calm; quiet; tranquillity. If I could summarize these definitions, I think one could say that "peace is the absence of any problem that causes people to be at odds with one another."

Peace is NOT a signed peace treaty. Following the surrender of Confederate General Robert E Lee, the armed conflict known as the Civil War stopped, but the hatred continued for years and, in some respects, continues even until today. Treaties, in and of themselves, do not bring peace. Just ask the Israelis who thought peace was finally theirs following the 1993 Oslo Accords being signed ending a long six-year Palestinian Intifadah. But, just because signatures were on the paper did not bring peace.

I have been thinking about how the world goes about providing for peace. This is probably because of what is taking place in Washington DC today and tomorrow. As you know - or at least you should know - President Obama has invited the leaders of the Palestinians and the Israelis, along with the heads of State for Jordan and Egypt, to our nation's capital to begin dialogues about peace. The goal is to have peace in the region within one year's time. (Now remember that the Arabs have threatened and attacked Israel since that May 14, 1948, day when Israel was born...62 years of hatred and violence. And this will be resolved in a year?!)

From accounts I have read the Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas is coming with a list of pre-conditions, although no pre-conditions have been invited to the table. He wants Israel to continue the building freeze in Judea and Samaria (the West Bank). He wants Jerusalem to be divided and patrolled by an international police force. And, he has threatened to walk out on the talks should his demands not be met. Does he want to be there? Not really. And, I believe in yesterday's attack by Hamas upon a car carrying four innocent Jewish civilians near Hebron and causing their deaths, we have the response of many Palestinians. Their only wish is for Israel to disappear back into Europe's ghettos (remember Helen Thomas's famous statement) or into the sea (the wishes of Iran's leader).

On the other hand, Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu is under pressure from many back in Israel that he return immediately because of that attack. This would be a strong statement that the Israelis will not dialogue unless and until safety is guaranteed to every Israeli. So far the only thing the Prime Minister has done is to issue a statement strongly denouncing that murderous act.

A new treaty will not bring peace to Jerusalem, the Middle East, nor any other place. An international police force will not cause the citizens of Jerusalem to rest more easy. Supplying the latest military hardware to Middle Eastern countries will not bring peace by creating a military standoff.

Friends, real peace will only come to Jerusalem, Israel, the Middle East, and the entire world when the Prince of Peace comes. He will then establish a government that people will trust and respect because it is founded upon the eternal principles of God. The ancient prophet Isaiah spoke of those days: "Of the increase of his government and peace there will be no end. He will reign on David's throne and over his kingdom, establishing and upholding it with justice and righteousness from that time on and forever. The zeal of the LORD Almighty will accomplish this" (Isaiah 9:7). Did you see those words "justice and righteousness?" "Righteousness" refers to the vertical component of life - to our relationship with God. When the Prince of Peace reigns, the world will be rightly configured with God through Him, thus resulting in peace. "Justice" refers to the horizontal component of life - to our relationships with others. When the Prince of Peace reigns, the world will be rightly configured with each other, thus resulting in lasting peace.

Until that day, the world will continue playing the game of "finding peace." More treaties will be created and signed - many of them broken within hours of the signing ceremonies. More conferences will be called to discuss peace with resolutions being passed to promote peace, only to have the peace shattered with an act of violence.

Let me close with a statement Jesus made to His disciples upon a mountainside in Galilee. It is the seventh Beatitude: "Blessed are the peacemakers, for their will be called sons of God" (Matthew 5:9). It is the will of God that we should help people find peace. That peace comes when we lead them to Jesus who, through forgiving of their sins, truly sets them free. And that peace comes when we help people to be reconciled to one another.

Let there be peace...? Absolutely a worthy goal, but not attainable until Jesus comes!

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