Wednesday, April 7, 2010

A Smorgasbord of News

So much is going on in our world today that I thought this week I would just share a few interesting news items you might have overlooked - or, more likely, were not reported.

Earthquakes - Have you noticed the frequency with which these are occurring? The most devastating one was in Haiti. But since then strong destructive quakes have happened in Chili, in Turkey, in Mexico (rocking the southern part of California), in Japan, and in Indonesia. And, don't forget the volcano erupting in Iceland that is threatening an explosion from an even larger volcano there. I know I have written about earthquakes before, but I do believe that God is speaking to us through these natural events. It is time we get the wax out of our ears and begin to listen!

Rain Water Tax - Bet you have not heard of this one! Our own Environmental Protection Agency is developing a plan to tax homeowners and businesses for the amount of rainwater that comes off their roofs, down their driveways, and into storm sewers. It seems that excessive rainwater run off is a threat to the environment. Maybe what we will need to do is dig moats around our homes to catch all that rainwater. That would give real legitimacy to the proverb that a man's home is his castle. But I'll wager that the liability would go up. Just thought you would like to know.

Interesting Way of Doing Church - On Easter Sunday evening I was watching one of the local news programs. The story concerned a local church that had created an interesting way to get people into their church: they were raffling off three cars. It got me wondering if Jesus would approve. Well, I know He would not have. We have record that on two occasions He entered into the Temple Court and threw out those who were merchandising. He said that the place was for prayer, not marketing. One of the pastoral staff, in the interview, make this statement: "We will do anything short of sin to get people to come to this church." That statement made me wonder what kind of Jesus they featured inside. Jesus offered no gimmicks to people. In fact the only thing He offered them was a cross that they needed to pick up daily. It is no wonder that people are confused and the church is powerless. By the way, this fall this church promoted a 21 days of sex program. I guess they will do anything to get people to come. Too bad that God is not there!

Nuclear Treaty - As you know our President is flying to Prague to sign a new nuclear treaty with the Russians. Its purpose is to reduce the nuclear stockpiles of both nations by 30%. That still leaves plenty of "nukes" to destroy the world. But here is the dangerous side of the treaty. Our President has proclaimed that: 1) our country will no longer work at developing newer forms of nuclear weaponry, and 2) that, even if our country became the target for biological warfare or even an EMP, we would not retaliate by using a nuclear weapon. Boy have we tipped our hand. I am confident that was great news for those who are seeking our destruction: "Whew! We won't get nuked!" The greatness that was America is crumbling right before our very eyes! I think God is preparing us to NOT be in the end-times picture.

Friends, keep observing the signs of the times. They are pointing to the soon return of Christ and the establishment of His Kingdom.


Unknown said...

GREAT comments Max. I'll check back in from time to time. Thanks for sharing. Former classmate and pastor, Ted H Welch Sr

Unknown said...

Max, I enjoyed your comments! Will check back from time to time.
Ted H Welch Sr., Pastor

aimless said...

Your posts are always very interesting. But I am confused about the rainwater tax--how does point to any sort of sign of the times? (it's extremely absurd!!!) Thanks!