Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Interesting Days...Interesting Thoughts

Winter in October! Impossible, you say! This past week those of us who live in Minnesota experienced something that had last happened in October 1909...three inches of snow before the 15th of October. I must admit that the white ground looked very picturesque. Some of the children in our neighborhood created a snowman...of course they had to dress him in a Adrian Peterson football jersey. And, a few of the kids got very entrepreneurial...they opened a stand along the street selling snowballs. On several of the golf courses in the Twin Cities area, instead of golf clubs it was cross-country skis that were prevalent. So, this is what "global warming" looks like!

But this wacky-weather started me thinking about a verse of scripture. It is found in Romans 8 - one of the outstanding chapters in the Bible. There the Apostle Paul writes: "We know that the whole creation has been groaning as in the pains of childbirth right up to the present time" (Romans 8:22). It seems to me that the natural world is letting out some pretty loud groanings right now. From the powerful earthquakes that recently struck the Samoan Islands and Indonesia to record-setting cold temperatures in many parts of our country, one can almost get the sense that the natural world is shouting to us: "Wake up, the Redeemer is coming!" And so, as I don a sweater about 6-weeks too early, I say, "Thank you, Lord, for reminding me of the nearness of Christ's return and that the natural world is excited as well." It helped my "I-am-not-ready-for-winter" attitude...a little.

So, our President is now joins a long list of prestigious winners of the Nobel Peace Prize. He is the third American President to win the award, the others being Theodore Roosevelt and Woodrow Wilson. The question everyone is asking is this: What has President Obama done to promote peace around the world? Remember, nominations for this award were closed on February 1...only 11 days after Obama was inaugurated. What has this virtually unknown leader done that is worthy of the Nobel Peace Prize? And here is what I find fascinating. According to testimony from the 5-member Nobel Committee, the award was issued not on what President Obama has accomplished, but what they anticipate that he will accomplish. Again, it seems to me...and it is only my opinion...that this is another sign of how desperate the world is for leadership. They will award one of the most honored prizes to someone they hope will bring peace. Could this not be another indication that the world is ready for a world-leader? (Note: I am not saying that President Obama is the antichrist).

Yesterday the Senate Finance Committee, by a 14-9 vote, gave approval to its version of the Health Care Reform Act. One lone Republican voted with the Democratic majority on the committee. Now, behind closed doors, the two Senate plans are being melded together into one bill that will be presented to the full Senate. That vote will probably occur before the Thanksgiving Senate recess. Will the federal government take over the management of the largest piece of the GDP within the American economy? Healthcare presently accounts for nearly one-third of the national GDP. How has it managed Medicare? Not well! And Medicare was only targeted toward the elderly. What will the government do when it has to manage healthcare for each of us...from the cradle to the grave? What will doctors do? I have read reports that as many as 45% of America's doctors will quit medical work if a national healthcare plan is enacted. Just think of what that will do to your already long wait at the doctor's office.

I don't have an answer to the problem of healthcare. I know that medical costs are terrifically high. But, then again, we have come to expect the best medical care in the world; that means the best in medical technology - not cheap; the best in drugs and prescriptions - again, not cheap to research and develop. Perhaps we need to allow for greater competition between pharmaceutical companies, thus bringing down prices. Perhaps, instead of reforming the healthcare system, the subject of medical lawsuits should be addressed. The threat of litigation adds significantly to medical costs. I am not confident that having politicians and bureaucrats administer my healthcare is really in my best interest.

From a scriptural point of view, in the end least according to my understanding of Revelation...the government will be responsible for every aspect of life, even to buying and selling. Perhaps this is just another indication that the coming of Christ is sooner than we would think.

I cannot help but think that God is at work in ways we often do not understand. Yet we know what His ultimate plan entails...preparing the world to receive His Son as its King. And what a day that will be!

1 comment:

Shannon Schmidt said...

Thanks for these blogs Max. I love reading them...I find them so interesting!